Star actress Samantha is aggressively promoting her ambitious mythological epic love saga, Shakuntalam. Directed by Gunasekhar, the film will release across India on 16 April. Yesterday, Sam and the core team of Shakuntalam flew to Mumbai to promote the Hindi version of the film.
In an interaction with Hindi film media, Sam said that Shakuntalam is for girls, women and family audience. “In this hot summer, here’s a movie for the whole family. All I have to say, prepare to be Disneyfied. I love the Disney genre since childhood. If I’m happy, I watch Disney movies. If I look at her when I am sad. It was special to play a princess in a film like Shakuntalam because she is the epitome of perfection,” said Sam.
Sam further added that her role in Shakuntalam is what she could only dream of as a child. “It’s not a simple story. There’s love, there’s betrayal, there’s liberation… It was a complex character that was written several centuries ago.”
Praising her director, Sam said Gunasekhar is a feminist who wants to tell great stories revolving around women and is not afraid to take risks. Sam said that producer Dil Raju had a lot of faith in the script of Shakuntalam. Shakuntalam also stars Malayalam hero Dev Mohan and Allu Arha in pivotal roles.
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